
What We Do

We provide direct support to residents and businesses at risk of displacement through immediate relief and resource navigation, housing defense and legal assistance.
We commit to 100% language justice for all. Meetings are interpreted into 2-5 languages. 

HousinG Support & Solutions

We advocate for permanent solutions to the housing crisis grounded in the vision of our community. Since 2021, our Housing Campaign has successfully stopped over 448 evictions, served over 1,728 unduplicated households, and brought over $4,083,606.71 in assistance to households in need.

Housing Support

Housing Solutions

Small Business Support & Solutions

EC3 is building a coalition of majority BI-POC led small business owners that are organizing to share resources, raise money to support the independent East Colfax Small Business Relief Fund, and support each other in helping the local business community to thrive and grow together. We advocate for small businesses through support with licensing, permitting and landlord issues, among others.

Business Support

Business Solutions


Capitol Liquors' Story​

The Capital Liquors sign on the corner of Colfax and Cherry St. is a recognizable landmark that has attracted customers for generations. Capital Liquors, a minority and immigrant-owned business, has been operating since 1967. They have always leased this historic sign, never owning it. In 2020, the sign was acquired by new ownership and they increased the rent by 615% from $130/month to $800/month. Around the same time, a storm blew through Denver causing damage to the sign. Letters were blown off and the sign went dark. 

Capital Liquors contacted the new sign owner requesting repairs. The new owners denied this request, and eventually “de-identified” the sign by removing the lettering until Capitol Liquor agreed to the new terms of the contract. At this point, Capital Liquors reached out to EC3 for support and guidance. EC3 quickly took action providing a voice to Capital Liquors by meeting with Denver City Council, engaging with Denver’s historic preservation communities, and contracting with pro bono legal counsel. Due to EC3’s and Capitol Liquor’s leadership, the sign is now under new ownership. Capital Liquors has a fair and just lease on the sign and after paying off the cost of repairs, they will no longer have to pay rent on this iconic landmark sign.

EC3 Website Photos_Housing Advocay_Family Photo

Community Success Story

This year our team received a call from a recently arrived refugee family regarding a flood in their home with no support coming from the Landlord. Our team immediately visited the family’s home and saw that this was no ordinary flood. The significant black mold in the family’s home was the worst our team, and later mold experts, had seen. The unit was deemed unsafe and uninhabitable to the extent that they were recommended to vacate immediately for their health and safety.

We immediately worked with partners to find temporary housing for the family, provided daily transportation for the kids to and from school and worked with the family to find new, safe, and dignified housing. The family has been through more moves and transitions in their first year of being in the U.S. than any family should have to experience in five years, and EC3 staff and community members supported every step of the way.

Now, the family is happily settled into their new home and welcomed a new baby into their lives. Through it all, our team shared nothing but laughs and joy through all of the ups and downs and the family never lost hope in our staff or in their situation and only showed their resiliency.


Together, with community members, we identify spaces in which we would like to see policy change and actively engage in existing policy-making coalitions.

Community & Coalition Building​

We create programs and events to build leadership, community connection, and pride in East Colfax. We build power at the city and state levels to advance equitable housing policy and community-centered decision making. We build power at the local, regional, and citywide level to advance equitable housing policy and community centered decision making.

Coalition Building

Community Safety Programs

Annual Reports